We can all use a little extra peace, love and happiness these days - so we did a round-up of our favorite symbols for inspiration.
Peace Sign Charm Necklace: share the peace love and calmness to everyone who crosses your path.
Peace Sign Stud Earrings: these petite beauties are a lovely reminder of how to stay calm with a sense of inner peace.
Peace Sign Hoop Earrings: a bold, peaceful statement earring.
Happy Face Chain Bracelet: each time you look down at your wrist, you will be reminded how much easier it is to smile!
Happy Face Stud Earrings spread love and happiness every day, all day.
Love Enamel Charm Necklace: love makes the world go round.
Happy Face Charm Necklace: try not smiling when putting this beauty around your neck.
Love Script Stud Earrings if they are close enough to read, they are loved.
Love Enamel Charm Bracelet Our love will get us through.